Name: Rosario S. Macahilas
Birthday: July 30, 1996
Age: 23
Hometown: San Francisco/ Daly City
Graduated From: Saint Mary's College of California
Major/Minor: B.A. Ethnic Studies, Minor in Psychology
How I stay Grounded: Being in the sun and getting fresh air, writing in my bullet journal, binge watching shows, eating good, connecting with friends and family
Fun Fact: I am a master at making GIFs
Name: Kenneth "Kenny" Malunay
Birthday: June 7, 1997
Age: 22
Hometown: Daly City
Graduated From: San Francisco State University
Major: B.A. Communication Studies
How I stay grounded: I stay grounded by facetiming old friends from different communities and spaces, I also stay grounded through dance, reading, writing and by binge watching shows on Disney plus with my favorite foods.
Fun Fact: If I had a super power for a day, it would be to turn into different animals.
First Grade
Name: Rochelle Santos
Birthday: February 4, 1997
Age: 23
Hometown: Tracy, CA
School Attending: San Francisco State University
Major: B.A. Asian American Studies, Minor in Education
How I stay grounded: Music! Listening, Singing, Dancing :)
Fun Fact: My happy place is Disneyland
Name: Tammy Leon
Birthday: October 14
Age: 24
Hometown: Koreatown, Los Angeles, CA
Graduated From: San Francisco State University
Major: B.A. Asian American Studies, Minor Studio Art
How I stay grounded: Walks on the beach with a good playlist
Fun Fact: I had never had ketchup.
Second & Third Grade
Name: Renz Andales
Birthday: January 12, 1998
Age: 22
Hometown: San Francisco
School Attending: San Francisco State University
Major: Creative Writing
How I stay grounded: Journaling, Meditating, Spending time with loved ones
Fun Fact: I was a PEP student at Longfellow when I was in 2nd grade!
Name: Rhegille Baltazar
Birthday: November 13
Age: 22
Hometown: Hercules, CA
Graduated From: University of California Davis
Major: B.A. in Sociocultural Anthropology and B.A. in Asian American Studies, Education Minor
How I stay grounded: Dancing, yoga, meditating, and catching up with friends!
Fun Fact: I was featured on a show on the History Channel!
Fourth & Fifth Grade (RM 206)
Name: Anthony Lavilla
Birthday: May 15, 1998
Age: 21
Hometown: Sacramento
School Attending: San Francisco State University
Major: Computer Engineering Major, Asian American Minor
How I stay grounded: Playing video games, hanging out with friends, and eating good food
Fun Fact: I graduated from High School as my classes valedictorian!
Name: Thereise ‘Ty’ Maniulit
Birthday: October 25, 1988
Age: 31
Hometown: Echo Park, Los Angeles, CA
Graduated From: San Francisco State University
Major: B.A. Asian American Studies & B.A. Liberal Studies
How I stay grounded: Cooking, calligraphy, spending time with my friends & family, singing, Taking care of my plants, and playing with my dog Nipsey <3
Fun Fact: When I was in High School I was a part of the step team, choir, and a cheerleader!
Name: Thereise ‘Ty’ Maniulit
Birthday: October 25, 1988
Age: 31
Hometown: Echo Park, Los Angeles, CA
Graduated From: San Francisco State University
Major: B.A. Asian American Studies & B.A. Liberal Studies
How I stay grounded: Cooking, calligraphy, spending time with my friends & family, singing, Taking care of my plants, and playing with my dog Nipsey <3
Fun Fact: When I was in High School I was a part of the step team, choir, and a cheerleader!
Fourth & Fifth Grade (RM 216)
Name: Chris Altamero
Birthday: May 17, 1995
Age: 24
Hometown: Newark, California
Graduated From: San Francisco State University
Major: Kinesiology emphasis on Physical Education
How I stay grounded: Listen to music, play video games, eat good food and go play some type of sport.
Fun Fact: I was part of homecoming court in highschool and got 3rd Prince
Name: Jada Quidachay
Birthday: January 8th, 1998
Age: 22
Hometown: San Diego
School Attending: San Francisco State University
Major: Business Management
How I stay grounded: Spending time with my family or calling them when I’m away from home!
Fun Fact: I play club rugby with UCSF!